In practice, the vast majority of optical phenomena can be accounted for using the electromagnetic description of light, as described by Maxwell's Equations. 在实践中,绝大多数的光学现象,可占利用光电磁描述,由麦克斯韦方程描述。
On the basis of Maxwell's equations, the propagation rule of EME ( electromagnetic emission) radiated from coal or rock in the course of rock-burst is studied and analyzed theoretically. 基于麦克斯韦方程,本文对岩爆过程中产生的电磁辐射在煤层、岩石中的传播规律进行了理论计算。
Maxwell's equations actually tell you about div and curl of these fields. 实际上,Maxwell方程组,描述了这两个场的旋度和散度。
And, in fact, something that is known as Maxwell's equations. 实际上,是讲Maxwell方程组。
Based on the vector angular spectrum representation of Maxwell's equations, the diffracted plane wave is decomposed into the TE and TM terms. 运用麦克斯韦方程组的矢量角谱表述,将平面衍射波分解为TE项和TM项。
Fundamentals covered include: quasistatic and dynamic solutions to Maxwell's equations; 基本的内容涵盖:马克士威方程式的准静态和动态解;
The mathematical analysis model for MFL is established, based on Maxwell's equations. 根据微分形式的麦克斯韦方程组得出漏磁场动态数据模型。
The description of a plane wave diffracted by a circular aperture is directly started from the Maxwell's equations. 平面波经圆孔光阑衍射的表征是直接基于麦克斯韦方程组。
Some knowledge of vector calculus assumed. Maxwell's equations, in both differential and integral form. 像是向量微积分、微分和积分形式的麦斯威尔方程式。
Using the solution of Maxwell's equations, taking theoretical derivation, the second order dielectric constant can be negative or greater than zero. 用麦克斯韦方程的解,对二阶介电常数在可正可负时,进行理论推导。
Starting from the Maxwell's equations and the moment's equations, We have derived the Coupling equations of electromagnetic and electroacoustic waves-in inhomogeneous compressible plasmas with electron density gradient under the action of external fields. 我们从麦克斯韦方程和线性化矩方程出发,获得了具有电子密度梯度的弱非均匀可压缩等离子体在外场作用下的电磁波和电声波激发的耦合方程,并求得了微扰解。
Maxwell's Equations and Differential Forms of Electromagnetic Quantities Maxwell方程组与电磁量的微分形式
Maxwell's equations combined with heat transport equation have been solved by using FDTD with the leapfrog technique to simulate the microwave heating to water. The temperature distribution of water in the beaker is obtained. 利用时域有限差分法(FDTD)并结合蛙跳技术,通过联合求解Maxwell方程组和热传导方程,模拟了水的微波加热过程,计算了烧杯中的水的温度分布;
Coulomb's Law is the foundation of the theory of the electromagnetic field. Since it ensures the accuracy of the Maxwell's Equations, it ensures the accuracy of the Ampere's Law and Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction as well. 库仑定律是整个电磁场理论的基础,它确保了作为经典电磁场理论总结的麦克斯韦方程组的精度,从而实际上也确保了安培定律和法拉第电磁感应定律的精度。
A mathematical model of nonlinear differential equation of first order is derived from Maxwell's equations. Formulas for numerically solving the differential equation are also given. 从麦克斯韦方程出发,导出一个一阶非线性微分方程的数学模型,并给出了求其数值解的公式。
This paper deals with the first part. It gives the methods of solving by finite differences of the general equations of the three-dimensional electromagnetic induction deduced from Maxwell's Equations together with the boundary conditions. A complete numerical theory of three-dimensional electromagnetic induction has been established. 本文是其中的第一部分,从Maxwell方程推得的扩散方程出发,给出了一般三维电磁感应的基本方程、边界条件和求解方法,建立了完整的三维电磁感应的数值理论。
This paper first educes the nonhomogeneous wave equation satisfying vector potential A and scalar potential B in the electromagnetic field of homogeneous media from Maxwell's equations of media, then analyzes and proves the compatibility between the wave equation and the principle of charge conservation. 从介质中麦克斯韦方程组导出均匀介质中电磁场矢势A和标势φ所满足的非齐次波动方程,分析证明该波动方程与电荷守恒原理是相容的。
The waveguide propagation condition and analytical methods are deduced from Maxwell's equations. 从麦克斯韦电磁方程组出发阐述了光波导的传输条件和理论分析方法。
This paper applies the exterior algebra of differential forms to the electromagnetic field theory in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. The exterior differential forms are given for Maxwell's equations. 本文把微分形式的外代数应用手三维欧几里德空间中的电磁场理论,给出了Maxwell方程组的外微分形式。
An example of deriving basic formulae of Maxwell's equations in an arbitrary coordinates system is presented. 本文提出了Maxwell方程组基本的、适用于任意坐标系的张量公式及广义矩阵公式,还揭示了推求正交或非正交的曲线坐标系中Maxwell方程组的示例。
We demonstrate the constancy of Maxwell's equations in inertial frame. 本文验证麦克斯韦方程组在惯性系中的不变性。
Based on Maxwell's equations and material electromagnetic property equations, the electric charge conservation law and electromagnetic field energy transduction and conservation law can be obtained, which can be applied to linear network and nonlinear network. 从麦克斯韦(Maxwell)方程组和物质电磁性质方程出发,得到了可应用于线性网络和非线性网络的电荷守恒定律和电磁场能量转换与守恒定律。
Based on the Maxwell's equations of electromagnetic field, this paper introduces equations of the finite element method for the boundary problem of the electromagnetic field and variation formula. 从电磁场的Maxwell方程出发,根据电磁场的边值问题及变分公式建立了有限元方程组。
By using the constitutive relations of electromagnetic fields for chiral media and Maxwell's equations, analytical solutions of electromagnetic fields in the step-index Chiral optical fiber which both the core and the cladding are chiral media have been presented. The modal characteristic equation is derived. 从手征介质中的电磁场本构关系出发,利用麦克斯韦方程组,对纤芯和包层都是手征介质构成的阶跃型手征光纤进行了解析求解,导出了模式场解和特征方程。
The new forms of Maxwell's equations substitute the old forms, it empthasizes the conservation of electric charge. 提出了麦克斯韦方程组的一种新的构建形式,突出了电荷守恒定律。
Unified Field Theory of Continuum Mechanics and Maxwell's Equations 连续体力学统一场论和Maxwell电磁场方程
A finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD) method is used to solve Maxwell's equations directly. We have studied the structure, condition of formation and mode characteristic. 采用时域有限差分法(FDTD)直接求解Maxwell方程组,分析了二维随机激光器中环形随机腔的构成、形成条件及光波模式特性等。
The law of electromagnetism is summed up to two Maxwell's equations and one Lorenz expressions. 电磁规律可以归结为两个麦克斯韦电磁场运动方程和一个洛仑兹力公式。
FDTD is direct time domain method for solving Maxwell's equations. 其中时域有限差分法(FDTD)是求解麦克斯韦微分方程的直接时域方法。
The boundary value problem on the magnetic vector potential A is derived by introducing the magnetic vector potential A and using Maxwell's equations. 通过引入矢量磁位A并利用麦克斯韦方程组推出了以矢量磁位A为求解对象的边值问题。